Making a Beeline for Our Dreams

Maybe you’re wondering, “of all the business opportunities and side-gigs out there, why a lavender and bee farm?” Let’s dive into that a little today.

When I was 25, I had my sister tattoo a sprig of lavender on the inside of my right upper arm. It was symbolic and representative of my mother. In 2013, when I was 19, my mom gave birth to my youngest brother, but he has a different father from me. The following year, my parents divorced. I had a lot of anger in my heart and it took a long time as well as a very in-depth journey of faith that finally allowed me to forgive my mom. Oddly enough, the same year that I found forgiveness in my heart, my sisters and I took a trip to Washington and we toured a lavender farm on the San Juan Islands. I immediately thought of my mom then, and sent back a bundle of lavender for her. From that point on, my sisters, mom, and I kind of became a little obsessed with the plant and it became something that connected all of us together. So the idea to start a lavender farm stems from a deeply rooted connection to my mother and my sisters, but also is symbolic (literally and figuratively) of the healing I went through to find the power of faith, forgiveness, and connection with my mom.

That same spiritual journey is what carried me to write a letter that eventually led me to James. I’ll discuss more about it in my next post!

When James and I started dating, we had (and continue to have) very lengthy conversations about the type of legacy and impact we want to have on this world. We believe that what is most valuable in this world are the connections we make. What we want to leave behind are lessons, inspiration, and connections - certainly not the environmental, social, political, etc. issues that our generation is left to handle. We each have been inspired in our own ways to live sustainably and we want to combine our inspirations together. With the idea of having a lavender farm, we also want to create a sustainable property that is sufficient enough to support our growing family while also contributing value to the land. Enter the bees. A remarkable insect that inspired us on our honeymoon. We love honey and use it on a daily basis in our home for all of its anti-inflammatory properties as well as its taste. It just made sense. While we have a lavender and bee farm, we will also be working on building an aquaponic greenhouse as well as introducing a few new animals to our family!

We’re excited you’re here!




Grace & Love


Gluten-Free Lavender Lemon Blueberry Scones